Okay… we’ve all seen our share of Zombie movies over the past god-knows how many years, and I’m sure a few of them even give you the occasional nightmare (although, in my opinion, Zombieland was just AWESOME!!!!!)… well, now one of the biggest horror genres is breaking hard into the TV landscape.  And I have to say it looks pretty damn good.

AMC’s, who’s been seriously stepping up their TV game, introduces: “The Walking Dead (Premieres 10/31 @ 10p, with a special 90-min pilot).  If you have 4 minutes to spare I seriously suggest clicking on the link and watching the trailer.   It’s times like this I hate myself for not having cable… or I hate AMC for not having a streaming source for their shows.  Anyway, this looks like a seriously great bump for the ghouly half-decayed brain munchers into cable TV… and I’m sold!  Only time will tell how great it really does.

We say – Tune In!

Hey, speaking of “if you have some spare time”, a couple of years back CBS had a pilot made for a zombie-type show called “Babylon Fields”… which, for some reason, never saw a regular program slot (before the latest crazy I suppose).  Well, at the WGUB we strive for perfection and after scouring the internet found it for you… in it’s 42:15 entirety.  It’s not bad… and worth playing in your work-space while plugging away at that TPS report.  Remember… only the pilot was made, so enjoy it… but don’t get invested.  Watch it here – [googlevideo=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3315295143249630002&hl=undefined#]