In light of Maker’s Mark delighting the world by admitting they are now watering down their magical elixir (we told you about it here) we’ve decided to re-post an edition of theWGUB’s “Tasty Libation of the week” featuring another truly amazing handcrafted American whiskey… Bowen’s Whiskey ($34-ish).  Especially after one of the Bowen’s kin posted this comment to the Maker’s article

“Drink Bowen’s Whiskey! It’s still 90 proof, and tastes much better.”

Hahahah… LOVE THIS GUY!!!  (PS free bottles of Bowen’s will also make us love you!!!  Wink wink… nudge nudge)  Today’s write-up is brought to you by none-other than Crazy Uncle Paystee White.  Ready? Here we gooooooo…..

Clooney. Giselle. Bowens. Awesome. Manly. First encounter gives the aroma of a burnt out firework fuse with a smoky, campfire-ish taste. Reminds me of when I was a boy scout. Scratch that, Eagle Scout. Scratch that, Special f+ckin Rambo forces + Die Hard.

The presentation of the product is AWESOME.

Bottle Label (See Below) looks like Billy the Kid chewin’ on a stogie… campfire logo on the label eludes to its smokey amazingness… and it classes itself up with the creme de la creme of liquor toppers, a cork. (a cork is like a top hat for whiskey.)



Click on the pictures for a larger view

Hands-down Bowen’s is the best thing to come out of Bakersfield, CA (along-side Korn and tit implants.) Mad bonus… It mixes beautifully, if you’re a p()ssy and need a lil’ splash of Piet Depsi (copyright reasons). Not only does Bowen’s act as a stimulant to dance, sing and make you forget about Shelly, the bottle made an awesome lamp (see pic).

So now instead of drinking in the dark crying about Shelly, f+ck Shelly, I can stare at myself in the mirror putting mascara on before work. Don’t ask why I drink before I go to work. You don’t even know what time I go to work or what I do as an occupation. I miss Shelly.

3 Thumbs up Bowens, you manly-ass whiskey.

*White Glossy Note* While Paystee was testing the shit out of this bottle he had the where-with-all to text me a few “bullet points” on what he thought in case he broke his restraining order with Shelly and went back to prison. Here they are…

  • Hmmm… cough drop and Bowen’s. Nummers in my tummers.
  • Bowen’s… you get me!
  • You’re funny. Whiskey is weird. Haha. Wait. No. Yep… I’m drunk.
  • I want to go to Bowen’s. I want a tour.
  • Aroma of a burnt out firework fuse. Swear to dog I’m dead on. When you get some take a whiff. Very smoky. And lovely!
  • Best mixing whiskey on the market, no crap. All you need is a splash. Who’s balls are these in my hand?! Ha! They’re mine. Go Dodgers!
  • BOWEN’S!!!!!!!!!