If you haven’t reserved your copy of Modern Warfare 3 yet, and are just planning to pick it up at Best Buy on Tuesday, we might have a great deal for you.  If this great day just happens to coincide with you wanting/needing a new smart phone, Best Buy is giving away three different smartphones with the purchase of Modern Warfare 3.

For those interested, the phones you can pick up  (with a two-year contract of course) are the HTC EVO 4G for Sprint, the Droid Incredible 2 for Verizon and the Inspire 4G for AT&T.

Sounds like a pretty nice two for one deal to us.  I mean of course you are going to get the game right?  I know nothing of the phones, since frankly why would you want anything but the iPhone?  But if you are not a lap dog of Apple like us, it might be right up your alley.