Being a site that uses stock photos from time to time (when we’re hung-over and unable to stumble into the other room and grab a camera)… we do a lot of searching for the “just perfect” photo to express our vibe. This morning I came across a strangely addicting site… a place labeled 60 Completely Unusable Stock Photos.
Aside from the sheer purpose of making people think WTF… Need an example? ok, check this out
Hey Carl, I received your request for the limitation of our online bandwidth usage… as mentioned in our staff meeting. Also, thank you for stopping by my office and reiterating the fact that our VP makes the occasional stop by our building to check on proper usage of office desk space.
Hey… before I forget, while you were making your rounds as office monitor yesterday I went by your desk to ask a question and saw this picture up on your screen. Not sure who it is but I was very intrigued. Thought I would send it to Brandy in HR since it is obviously pertaining to her and her current situation.
Talk to you soon.
… I can’t really see any of these photos being used for anything, except for a website dedicated to photos that can’t be used for anything (HERE). But hey, you’re the one with the crazy imagination… so let your freak flag fly!!!