How many times have you needed to finish an art project, or term paper, or excel spreadsheet, or suicide note or maybe even grocery list… but just couldn’t find the inspiration? At some point in all of our lives (for some of us… it’s daily & often) we hit a roadblock. A mental dumping-ground where nothing makes sense and all creative inspiration is hidden just out of reach. Well, I’m not sure if it was on purpose… or just some kind of cosmic happenstance, but a Belgian lady named Veerle Pieters (click her name to hear it) created a website to… I’m guessing… highlight her broad artistic talents. Little did she know that she was creating a place of pure inspiration – Check it out HERE. I know, I know… she calls the site’s page “inspiration” and even gives it a slogan “A meticulously curated place of repose, a wellspring of inspiration”. It appears that it was a source of abundant inspiration that she had… and wants to share. But… and this is a big BUT… what she has actually done is create a place that is a living breathing muse of inspiration for EVERYBODY!!! I’m not kidding, something about the diversity and color in her artwork is truly inspirational! I flipped through about 3 pages of her Technicolor of art design and I gotta say… I’m inspired. To do what, I don’t know… but it’s great, and artisitic whatever it is. At the least, it inspired me to write this post.