In what appears to be the generation of remakes (we told you about Red Dawn just today HERE)… we have yet another.  Although not an action/adventure, Cartoon remake or TV adaptation flick like many of the others we’ve seen, this one is of an all-time classic comedy.  Arthur.

This time around though, Dudley Moore’s career booming role will be picked up by none-other than Russell Brand.  Agreed, not the most likely actor at first thought… but going back in my brain, Russell really has incited laughs… good vibes… and wonderful performances in everything I’ve seen him in so far.  So quite possibly, a great choice for the lead role indeed!  Couple that with Jennifer Garner & Helen Mirren and we’re in action!  April 8th we’ll all be able to see for ourselves.

Here is the official trailer for the movie:


And for kicks… here’s the original, incredibly annoying trailer (Available on Netflix Streaming in case you’re interested):
