A. HELL NO MOFOs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is, of course, unless you enjoy heading down to the lake for a nice afternoon of relaxation… swimming… and finding a van full of headless mangled corpses.  If that’s what you call fun then bro, I’ve got the vacation spot of the century for you!  Keep in mind… there are a couple of warring drug cartels, corrupt officials and lines of coke a far as thee eye can see… but all-in-all it’s a pretty neat spot.

“But WhiteGlossy, isn’t Guadalajara where all of the American tourists go already??” you ask.  Well, yes… that is the same Guad… but the next time you get that super important fax or email telling you about some amazing pricing on a Mexican cruise and all encompassed vacation in the big G, you need only remember one word… Pass.

We love you, and don’t want to read about your headless corpse on the National News.

For the complete story… ABC News has it all ready for you right HERE.  TGIF.