It is time, once again, to roll up our sleeves… strap on our best thinking cap… gravity bong this bottle of Kraken… and review the hell out of something!!!!!  Today, it’s all about Sanuk… and their newest sidewalk surfer, the Standard Streaker ($65).  If you missed out on the premiere of their music video “Don’t Fear the Streaker” then you’re stupid and your mom is ugly.  If you did see it (which you will remember finding HERE) then you are already well aware of Sanuk’s new supertyduper offering.

For a change… I’m going to let Sanuk tell you how they describe their new not-a-shoe, then I’ll let you know how I felt wearing them around the house… the block… the town… and through the rocky terrain of mother earth’s intense Pacific Ocean tide-pools (as high-tide was rolling in).

Expose yourself to balls out comfort in the Streaker! This retro inspired slip-on may not make you run faster or jump higher, but you will look amazing attempting both.

  • Mens Sidewalk Surfers
  • Lightweight “Vulc-Lite” Construction with Mesh Sock Liner
    featuring AEGIS Antimicrobial additive
  • Premium Herringbone Rubber Outsole
  • Upper pattern and materials inspired by vintage running sneakers •
  • Combine Suede Accents and Mesh into a Compelling New Style

My turn.  It’s no secret that we are madly in love with Brooklyn Decker.  But also, we seriously dig our Sanuks.  Don’t believe us… look at all of our ooey-gooey love spread out all over the WGUB right HERE.  Back to the Streakers though.  I’m going to be perfectly honest… when I first put the Streakers on and strolled around my humble abode, I was a little worried.  This isn’t the footgasm inducing, little piggy seducing, total badassery we’re accustomed to with our Sanukery gear.  They felt a little bit like… *gasp*… regular shoes.  But, we know there is yummy goodness in there somewhere so we carried on.  It was a beautiful afternoon, full of sunshine and cool breezes.  One that inspired a tromp through Nature’s wonderful bounty… and that’s where I found it!  The perfection I was longing for.  The Streakers had me in their embrace and I sure as hell wasn’t letting go anytime soon.

It was almost as if the more I trekked along the dirt paths and through the brush the more willing my Streakers were to carry me along.  I was having so much fun I decided to take my adventure onto a wilder terrain… the rocky underbelly of our Oceans tide pools.  I was trodding along with a few of my besties who were all wearing an assortment of other foot coverings.  Some had on flip-flops… some sneakers… some an odd collection of rags and used diapers; and this is where my Streaker amazement part 2 kicked in.  On purpose or not (I’m guess yes, because hey… Sanukers are just awesome people), Sanuk put a bottom on this shoe that is damn-near slip resistant!!!  I was hopping from rock to rock, splashing in and out of tide-pools and all-around out-maneuvering mi amigos like nothing before.  These shoes were kicking ass and taking names!!!  And… it seemed like these things were made for water!  They were almost like little wetsuits for my feet.  At one point I got a little sand between my toes… I simply took my Streakers off, dipped them in clean water, swished them around and put them back on… good as new.  Towards the end I wondered to myself what they couldn’t do!!!  (go-go gadget pogo-sticks???)

So… adventure completed, shoes still look smashing… I slipped into my beer-cozy flippy-floppies and drove home.  The losers who slipped into big blue toweled off and tossed their lesser shoes into the dryer… but my Streakers demanded better.  They were given the throne overlooking the kingdom and all of its lesser foot dwellers.  They were parked right next to me… as we BBQ’d gently into the night.

Moral of this story… if you’re a lazy bum who sits on their ass staring at things, all other Sanuks are great for you.  However, if you are a person who loves excellence and going out into the world with power, ambition and a helluvalot of style… then Streak on good buddy!!!!  And take these shoes with you.

Sidenote – While they currently only have the black/gray version online… these badass blue/yellow Streakers can be found in stores all over.

What the hell… here are a few more pics of great footwear.