Warning…This post contains some adult images.  There, at least we said it.

Every year I jam across the internet looking for pumpkin carving templates that I can use.  Cause frankly, when I draw it looks like something from a pre-schooler.  I can barely stay inside the lines, when there isn’t any.  I usually look for a nice scary one.  Well, this year I ran across every home owners associations worst nightmare.  The Pornkins pumpkin carving kit.  For $19.99 you get ten stencils, a couple knifes, and a scooper for all that naughty, dirty pumpkin innards.

Not much in this world really makes me blush.  But I felt my face getting a little red when I ran across this site.  Basically this kit contains patterns that are not so G rated.  Oh hell, these things are nothing but NC-17.  What a better way to keep all those annoying kids off of your porch on Halloween.  Not to mention scar them for life.

We are not advocating that you put these on your front porch, but if you are having an adult only Halloween party, a couple of these would be great for decorations.  That is if you don’t get wood while carving them.  Here are a couple of the more, late night softcore porn designs.  For the more extreme, you can check out their website here.
