This week’s edition of theWGUB’s “Tasty Libation of the week” is brought to you by none-other than Crazy Uncle Paystee White. Featuring a recent discovery that has all of us at camp WGUB pretty damn excited (and toasted)!!! Bowen’s Whiskey ($34-ish). Ready? Here we gooooooo…..

Clooney. Giselle. Bowens. Awesome. Manly. First encounter gives the aroma of a burnt out firework fuse with a smoky, campfire-ish taste. Reminds me of when I was a boy scout. Scratch that, Eagle Scout. Scratch that, Special f+ckin Rambo forces + Die Hard.

The presentation of the product is AWESOME.

Bottle Label (See Below) looks like Billy the Kid chewin’ on a stogie… campfire logo on the label eludes to its smokey amazingness… and it classes itself up with the creme de la creme of liquor toppers, a cork. (a cork is like a top hat for whiskey.)



Click on the pictures for a larger view

Hands-down Bowen’s is the best thing to come out of Bakersfield, CA (along-side Korn and tit implants.) Mad bonus… It mixes beautifully, if you’re a p()ssy and need a lil’ splash of Piet Depsi (copyright reasons). Not only does Bowen’s act as a stimulant to dance, sing and make you forget about Shelly, the bottle made an awesome lamp (see pic).

So now instead of drinking in the dark crying about Shelly, f+ck Shelly, I can stare at myself in the mirror putting mascara on before work. Don’t ask why I drink before I go to work. You don’t even know what time I go to work or what I do as an occupation. I miss Shelly.

3 Thumbs up Bowens, you manly-ass whiskey.

*White Glossy Note* While Paystee was testing the shit out of this bottle he had the where-with-all to text me a few “bullet points” on what he thought in case he broke his restraining order with Shelly and went back to prison. Here they are…

  • Hmmm… cough drop and Bowen’s. Nummers in my tummers.
  • Bowen’s… you get me!
  • You’re funny. Whiskey is weird. Haha. Wait. No. Yep… I’m drunk.
  • I want to go to Bowen’s. I want a tour.
  • Aroma of a burnt out firework fuse. Swear to dog I’m dead on. When you get some take a whiff. Very smoky. And lovely!
  • Best mixing whiskey on the market, no crap. All you need is a splash. Who’s balls are these in my hand?! Ha! They’re mine. Go Dodgers!
  • BOWEN’S!!!!!!!!!