I know we just shared this in August… but we watched it again, and it was SO F’ING BADASS!!!  We had to re-post in the miniscule chance you missed it.  Happy post-turkey-coma-day.

WTF!!!  How is it possible that Thomas Jane’s Punisher (which I thought was a pretty good take on one of my favorite Marvel Characters) had a 10min-ish sequel made, and I’m just now seeing it???  This came out almost 2 years ago exactly!  I feel like I let you all down.  (hanging my head in shame)

Well… if you’re like me and missed out on all of the thug-stomping blood-and-gore Punisher glory… enjoy! (as if I really need to say this, NSFW)


Published on Jul 15, 2012

Question: What’s the difference between justice and punishment?

“I wanted to make a fan film for a character I’ve always loved and believed in – a love letter to Frank Castle & his fans. It was an incredible experience with everyone on the project throwing in their time just for the fun of it. It’s been a blast to be a part of from start to finish — we hope the friends of Frank enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.” – Thomas Jane

Directed by Phil Joanou
Written by Chad St. John
Produced by Adi Shankar