Well hello to you good Sir or Madam.  Welcome to our little place in the world.  This week has been an exceptionally good one for all of us at the WGUB… not just because it’s holiday season and we’re getting all kinds of fun information… but also because we’ve had more people stop by and check out our site than ever before!!!  Thank you all for your viewership, friendship, reach-arounds and over-all good cheer!  We’re having a blast!

Here are this week’s 5 most read posts:

  1. Uh-oh Four Loko
  2. It’s Not Porn… it’s Porn-ish, with Bubbles
  3. Na-Na-Na-Na… Na-Na-Na-Na… Hey-Hey-Hey… Four Loko
  4. Hulu Plus Update!
  5. Chipotle Going Asian?

Have a great rest of your weekend… PEACE!