Here’s a quick look on what is hitting theaters this weekend.

The AmericanGeorge Clooney is an assassin.  Tires of this lifestyle (cause he is a puss) and wants a normal life.  Finds love in Italy, danger ensues.

Going the Distance: Another cute Drew Barrymore romantic comedy.  Casual lovers find romance, heartache in living apart.  Hijinks in long distances relationships, audience says Awww at the end.

Machete: From Robert Rodriguez, another excuse to make a gory movie.  No complaints from us.  Machete is about a renegade Mexican Federale who is double crossed and seeks revenge.  Loosely translated, shit will blow up, blood will flow in the streets.  Men will smile as they leave the theater.

Here is a quick look at what we are watching via Netflix this weekend.


True Blood, Season 2, Disc 1:  Yeah, I know I’m a little behind.  I don’t have HBO.  Don’t judge me.  Not you.

The Blind Side:  Wait, how did this get in there.  Oh wait, it is about football.  Just saved some street cred there.  But it is Oscar worthy, and I’m all about Oscar award-winning films.


The Losers: Blah blah blah cool people, with cool guns saying cool things… and stuff blows up (and it has one of our new fav’s Jeffery Dean Morgan at the helm).  Likely there will be some eye-candy and a plot twist or two to keep things fun.  Sounds like a fun Saturday 11am Kick-Off-The-Night-Early fun-fest with some of our newest “friends“.