Yesterday hundreds of thousands of all you smartphone using addicts got a very nice little update.  An update to a game most of you have (considering it’s one of the most successful mobile games ever).  An update to… ANGRY BIRDS ($.99)!!!!! 

That’s right my little bird flinging, pig hating amigos… yesterday our buds at Rovio updated the original Angry Birds with a slew of new swine smashing… building leveling… awesome bird tossing levels.  

Not enough awesome news for one day? Okay, they ALSO updated the bitchen (and much-needed) sequel Angry Birds Seasons ($1.29) with a new pot-o-gold laden Saint Patty’s Day theme. 

Okay… at this point your bursting to whip out your little gadget and start getting your bird fix, so I’ll say one more thing and then let you get yours.  SCREW THE PIGS!!!!!!