Either my levels of excitability are pathetically low these days, or this is actually kinda cool.  Either way…. we introduce to you the Sharpie Liquid Pencil ($5-2 pack).  Using all of their advanced marker technology (can you imagine… hey mom & dad, thanks for paying thousands of dollars to send me to college.  I finally got my masters in mechanical engineering… I’m going to make markers now) Sharpie has now crossed the pen/pencil barrier and created the perfect writing tool.

Using a super advanced liquid graphite… they’ve invented a way to jot down your erasable thoughts (in true #2 fashion), and take a full 24-ish hours to second guess yourself.  After that, what you’ve written becomes just as permanent as the legendary marker.  According to the official Sharpie Blog (no seriously… it’s a thing) they are looking at a September release date… but as you can see above, Office Depot already has it on their website for sale.  I’ll admit it, I’m buying one… why not!  I like to write (and occasionally still do it on paper) and from time-to-time I have to erase.  So let’s do it with the pros!