“Butch it up, these ain’t your Grandma’s cupcakes buttercup”

So, I’ve heard about these guys for a few months now… but it wasn’t until recently that I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a box of their incredibly unique cupcakes.  And I must say… Yuuuuuummmmmmy!!!  Aside from the fact that these bros from the butch bakery can knock out some ridiculously bad-ass cakes… they wrap them around an entirely new kind of image.  One that has names like “Rum & Coke”, “B-52”, “Driller” & “Tailgate”.  I can almost hear the grunts and man rumbling in the kitchen now… kind of an Ace of Cakes can suck my d**k attitude (my wording, not theirs)!!!  Here’s what they’ve deemed their MAN-ifest0 on their site:

The Butch MAN-ifest0

Our objective is simple.  We’re MEN.  Men who like cupcakes.  Not the frilly pink-frosted sprinkles-and-unicorns kind of cupcakes.  We make manly cupcakes.  For manly men.

They say “We build a better cupcake”, and I am inclined to agree!  While I imagine their manly desserts tasting much better right off the hot design table (instead of a week later, and being shipped across the country) these are still a great one-up to any meal… and I can absolutely see these cupcakes adorning the counter-tops of bachelor parties, manly diaper/baby showers, paintball competitions, midget tossing events, super-cross trials, WWE locker-rooms & all around bro-tastic events across the country. 

Final Word: Manly and tasty… that doesn’t happen very often.  Do it!